As of 05/11/2023 we are no longer using the platform.
In order to be seen via telehealth, we require a Telehealth Consent and a Debit/Credit Card on file.
You will also need to register for our Portal. Please contact our office so we can get your login credentials sent.
- Any patient financial responsibility will need to be paid before your telehealth appointment.
- Initial visits are required to be in person.
- In order to be seen by our providers, you must be in the state of Tennessee at the time of the telehealth appointment.
- Your provider may require an in-office appointment especially if you are being seen by one of our nurse practitioners, it is a requirement.
- Make sure you are in a well-lit confidential room for your telehealth appointment.
- Any required paperwork will need to be on file before your telehealth appointment.